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Fly NOVA 18" BMX bike

1 year ago Videos bikes

Fly Nova 18" BMX Bike


The NOVA 18" Bike is clearly at the top of 18” inches BMX with the best value for money. If you are looking for a bike for a young kid who wants to start riding, the Fly Nova BMX is a great choice!  

This bike design fits any riding style, no matter if it is used to freestyle on the streets or get started on park ramps. And the best thing is that, though it’s a perfect initiation BMX, it also stands higher riding levels.

The Nova 18" Bike is available in stylish Flat Black or Flat Red versions.


 • 100% plastic free recyclable BMX packaging

 • Easy assembly


Learn more about the NOVA here!

Subscribe to the FLYBIKES Youtube for more videos and Enjoy!

