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#Christian Masur

Christian Masur 2020 Bike Check

There is a brand new Bike Check with Christian Masur over on the Freedom BMX website! Christian has been apart of the Flybikes family for just about 6 years now over in Germany, and he's been putting in work on his Sierra setup! Check out a bunch of photos, a full parts list and an interview right...

Low Profile: Christian Masur

5 years ago Christian Masur
Our friends over at DIG caught up with Christian Masur who rides for Flybikes in Germany through Allride Distribution for an interview and bike check in their latest Low Profile feature! Get to know Christian as they discuss how he got into riding, his influences and motivations, his preference of...

Fun In The Skatepark with Christian Masur

7 years ago Christian Masur
Woozy BMX just released this new video featuring our connect over in Germany through Allride Distribution, Christian Masur, catching a skatepark session at a fun looking cement park! Christian brings a lot of style to the table as always! Enjoy!
