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2020 was a year that nobody expected to turn out the way it did. The pandemic changed up everyone’s world, some more than others. Instead of traveling the world, riding in contests and filming at crazy spots in cities all over like normal, Devon Smillie stayed home in California. Despite all the negatives, there was a silver lining; schools were closed, normally busy and unrideable spots were cleared out and the sessions with the locals were still happening! 2020 was less than ideal, but Devon managed to make the most of it and stack a ton of fire clips staying close to home! Enjoy!

Filmed and edited by Eddie Cuellar 

Additional Filming by

Gordon McDonald

Ethan Corriere

Tak Kamihagi

Zach Krejmas

Devon's signature Fuego line is available through Flybikes dealers worldwide and online! Learn more about Devon's signature Fuego line right here!

