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#Sergio70K Giveaway!

8 years ago

Want to WIN Sergio Layos' personal bike? We have just launched our #Sergio70K giveaway that gives you the chance to win his bike! Get the full details below!


1. Follow @flybikesbmx and @SirLayos on Instagram

2. Repost the photo below with #Sergio70K and @FlybikesBMX and @SirLayos in the description.

EXAMPLE: I want to win @SirLayos Bike from @FlybikesBMX in the #Sergio70K Giveaway

3. Feel free to repost as many times as you want. We'll be releasing additional photos to share. Remember, the more you share, the greater the odds that we will pick you to win the bike!

We will pick the winner once we roll over 70,000 fans on Instagram! After we roll over 70,000 we will be announcing the next team riders bike that we will be giving away!

This is Sergio Layos' personal bike that he rode in the X-Games and Van Doren Invitational and it could be yours!

