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Simonas Norkus - Par BMX In Athens

8 years ago
Our connect through Par BMX, Simonas Norkus, recently went with the team to Athens, Greece for some riding. They just released their new video that Simonas has a ton of great riding in. If you aren't familiar with Simonas, he's the rider on the maroon bike! Enjoy!

"This is our team trip to the wonderful city of Athens (Greece)! Good times, good vibes!


Oskars Zajarskis

Kristaps Reimanis

Simonas Norkus

Tom Silins

Janis Dreimanis

Rudolfs Veidemanis

Aivars Sneiders

Special thanks to John Manaras and Dimos Ganiatsas for helping us throughout our journey!

Filmed by the whole crew, edited by Tom Silins"

