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Etnies JAM - Skatepark Málaga With Rubén Alcántara

9 years ago
Here's a video the Skatepark of Malaga released featuring Ruben Alcantara talking about the skatepark and how it all came to be, along with some great riding from him! After Ruben talks, there's footage from the Etnies Jam for the official grand opening of the park that is filled with great riding from guys like Sergio Layos, Stefan Lantschner, Ruben and more! Enjoy!

La Etnies JAM celebrada en el Skatepark Málaga “Rubén Alcántara” fue todo un éxito. Queremos dar las gracias a todos los patrocinadores, colaboradores, público y riders que han participado.

Ahora ya podemos todos disfrutar del impresionante Bowl diseñado por Rubén, del nuevo campillo, del Hallfpipe, la Minirampa, la zona Street …

Filmed and edited by Hugo Almeida

