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#Stefan90K Giveaway

8 years ago

Have you ever wanted a bike as clean as Stefan Lantschner's signature Montaña setup? What if we told you that you could WIN his bike? Well, here's your chance!

Enter the #Stefan90K Giveaway on Instagram today!


1. Follow FlybikesBMX and LNTStefan on Instagram

2. REPOST this photo on your PERSONAL Instagram account with @FlybikesBMX @LNTStefan and #Stefan90K in the description. It MUST include all 3 to be a valid entry.

That's it! Feel free to enter as many times as you would like. You MUST repost from your personal account though. Accounts setup specifically for reposting this giveaway will NOT count.

Once we hit 90,000 followers on Instagram, we will have Stefan announce a winner! Good luck! 

